Pureheart Ministries

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Meet Captain Clean

Captain Clean is…well, clean. He or she has finally made that oh-so-crucial first step into ongoing honesty and confession of sin.

You must come clean. It’s the only way out of the pit of perversion. We are commanded to confess our sins to one another (James 5:16). I just read that verse again just to be sure, and it does NOT say, Confess your sins to one another only if you’re Catholic. Protestant Christians routinely and deliberately disobey this Scripture. And no, asking forgiveness for the thousands of times you have sinned sexually is not remotely the same thing as sitting down with a brother or a sister and confessing all your dirty laundry. There is a reason Paul sets sexual sin apart from all other sin (1 Corinthians 6:18). Sexual sin has a personal power over you that no other sin can match! Overcoming this power, this uniqueness, requires the extra step of spilling your secrets.

Let me state it as baldly as I can: YOU CANNOT BREAK FREE ON YOUR OWN! This is because God designed you to need your brothers and sisters. The eye cannot say to the hand, I don’t need you, and nowhere is that need more evident than in the transition from private perversion to an open and pure heart. Captain Clean has learned and applied this oh-so-important truth, and now our brave captain checks in daily/weekly with his or her band of brothers/sisters. Our captain can’t even take a second look at someone’s breasts or biceps without confessing it during weekly Check-in time, because Captain Clean hides nothing and confesses everything.

It’s high time you follow the Captain’s example.

Contact Pureheart today to get started!

Excerpt taken from Basic Training! Stage 1: Operation Purity