Reviews and Endorsements for
Basic Training!
“Obviously Tim is on a mission. Speaking and writing out of life experience, he knows the struggles that men go through to become pure. His passion has driven him to become educationally prepared through his training both as a pastor and a counselor. He has crafted a plan of action written up in the ambience of combat with the enemy – which it truly is. As the leader of a weekly purity group, Basic Training! is the most comprehensive program I’ve seen to lead men out of sexual addiction into a life of purity. The proof is in the lives I’ve personally seen transformed.”
-Tom Lyman, WWII Vet, retired missionary, church elder,
former Wycliffe Bible Translators Board Member,
and former Pureheart Board Member
“Basic Training! Stage 1 will shake you up, disturb you and drive you to confront some of your deepest secrets. It is not fun. It is not a game. It is a battle for your soul and your sanity. And your marriage. Tim Davis pulls no punches, confronting the real issues head on. I have seen lives and marriages destroyed by porn and sexual sin. Every person, man or woman, faces it to some degree. Some become addicted. Others excuse it as a normal drive, knowing full well that it will catch up with you and can destroy you. You can’t fight it alone or without a true relationship to Jesus. But even with that relationship, the struggle can continue. This book can change your life and deliver you – if you are willing to truly read and apply it.”
-Jerry White, PhD
International President Emeritus, The Navigators
Major General, USAF, Ret
Author of Honesty, Morality and Conscience and
Dangers Men Face: Overcoming the Greatest Threats to Living Life Well (both NavPress)
“As I travel the country preaching and teaching, I shout from the rooftops for men and churches to use the Basic Training! books and Pureheart Ministries so they can find freedom from addiction. Timothy Davis’ Basic Training! books will reveal more about you than you could ever imagine. It will take you down into the depths of your soul so you can face the root issues, learn how to face them and how to repair them. I know I am biased, but now that I have sent many men through the Pureheart program I am convinced it’s the best on the planet. It’s biblical, It’s practical, It’s affordable, it’s effective. For the first time in your life you can find complete freedom!
Brother Timothy, thank you for what you do!”
-Matt Loehr, President of Dare to be Different
Biblical Marriage Mentoring
“For the past twenty-five years, I have counseled teens and men. The number of Christians struggling with porn or other unwanted sexual behaviors has exploded in the last several years. The book Basic Training! Stage 1: Operation Purity does an excellent job of combining Scriptural wisdom with practical application that will have a lasting impact on people's lives. If you are working with men battling addiction, this is a resource you need. Thanks, Tim for this excellent resource!”
-John Thorington LPC, SRT, D. Min.
Founder of Restoring Hearts Counseling
"It is rare to find a book on purity that is as skillfully put together as it is wise. Basic Training! is that kind of book. The compassionate and carefully crafted insights pull the reader through each page, while the poster art and memorabilia from WWII effectively illustrate each biblically-based principle. One read and this has become my new book of choice for counseling young men."
-Marty Trammell, PhD, Humanities Chair, Corban University, www.Corban.edu
“The world in which we work, live, and raise our families is obsessed with sex. We are immersed in images and references to it. Only by being intentional can we be free from its destructive influence. These materials provide powerful tools for those who are serious about obtaining moral purity.”
-Richard Blackaby, PhD President of Blackaby Ministries International.
Author of Experiencing God, The Ways of God.
"You'll love the graphics--and be challenged by the message--in Timothy Davis' much-needed book for all men. I wish we had such eye-appealing graphics in our Every Man's Battle series!"
-Mike Yorkey, co-author of the Every Man's Battle series
"Wow. Basic Training! rocked my world...This manual offers a clear picture of the purity God has for each of us."
-Scott McCord, Men's Ministry Director, Spring Mountain Bible Church
"What Timothy Davis says in this book is both convicting and freeing. It's freeing because Timothy provides real-life solutions men today so desperately seek and need. Basic Training! reaches the heart more than any other book I have read on this subject. This powerful book is an incredible new weapon all men can use in their lives and with their brothers--for we are in this battle together."
-Dan Wagner, D.Min, Chaplain Team Leader, MarketPlace Chaplains USA
"Keeping up the pressure against the onslaught of the enemy in the age of instant global communication is a never-ending task, but one that is critical in guiding young men in a Spirit-filled walk with Jesus Christ. This hard-hitting book is a great tool in that effort."
-J. Steven Hunt, Vice President for Marketing, Corban University, www.Corban.edu
"A healthy sexual life is paramount to the mental health of each spouse, as well as to the general welfare of any married couple. Yet, the number of men I see in my professional practice who struggle with pornography (including pastors and church leaders), is a striking example of what has gone wrong in a society that has made sexually explicit material available, even to children. Given the frequency of sexual dysfunction (or infrequency and even absence of a sexual relationship altogether) in very many couples, the knowledge about what the Bible has to say about sex or, for that matter, the general knowledge about what comprises a healthy intimate relationship itself, speaks volumes about the need for a sound, biblically-based book that addresses these issues. I believe that this new book by Timothy Davis, Basic Training! does just that. Your eyes will be opened to God's beautiful design for healthy sexual living."
-Gary H. Lovejoy, Ph.D., psychologist and co-author,
Light on the Fringe: Finding Hope in the Darkness of Depression,
"Wars are won by those who have a plan, are properly equipped, and who fight with inspiration. Timothy Davis provides all three to help readers fight a war that threatens the very fabric of our society, and he does so in a remarkably compelling and effective way."
-Don Keith, author of War Beneath the Waves, In the Course of Duty, and Final Patrol, www.donkieth.com
5 STARS: The most effective tool for walking a life of purity!!
I have been trapped in the bonds of sexual addiction for over 35 years and before coming in contact with the Basic Training Phase One Guide, I had tried many different counselors, 12 step support groups and read numerous materials on overcoming my sexual addiction with very little success or lasting change. Once I began reading the Basic Training material and following its instructions, God began to heal me from the inside out. It has been close to 8 months now since I last sexually acted out, viewed any pornography or had my mind inundated with immoral and impure fantasies. God has been systemically healing me to the point where I have not had any cravings to do anything but to live pure for God!!
This is an absolute miracle for me and I know that it was large part due to this Basic Training Guide!! It continues to lead me step-by-step down my healing journey and each week I experience a greater level of freedom from my addiction and also a greater level of intimacy with God and others. This guide is a MUST HAVE for anyone who is suffering from sexual addiction, whether it's you or someone you know. There is such a tremendous need in the body of Christ right now because sexual sin is running rampant through the church and there have been very few resources and tools that have proven effective in actually addressing this issue and changing the lives of people. I cannot implore you enough to obtain this book for anyone battling this addiction; as for me, I will stake my life on the information in this guide that has changed me forever!!
5 STARS: Just Like the Real Basic Training - Tough but Effective
I remember going to basic training over 42 years ago with the USAF - it was tough for this out of shape teen - I had lazy habits that were not good in my relationship with the military - Military Basic Training helped take all that out of me. I had powerful help from peers and those over me - it changed my life forever.
Timothy Davis does much of the same in this "training manual" BASIC TRAINING! PHASE ONE: THE #1 BATTLE - TESTED GUIDE TO MEN'S PURITY! - Davis speaks very clearly and directly (like my drill sergeant - but he speaks from examples in his own life and experiences.)
Sometimes we men get tired of going to men's conferences and meetings hearing others talk about sexual purity - because they all say the same thing. This book says some of the same things but in a much different way - it is practical, most men as they read will find themselves saying, "that's me - I've been there or I'm there now - Help!" And help is there - the author gives solid, practical, doable, real life suggestions on how to get help and how one brother can help another brother - we are all in the same battle (but often times we don't realize that) we are not alone.
Pastors, elders, teachers, brothers, FATHERS and SONS - get this book, read it, start dealing with your purity issues (we all have them at some level)- THEN share this with your pastors, elders, teachers, brothers and sons and maybe your fathers - start learning how to stand in purity together - after the Word of God, "BASIC TRAINING! PHASE ONE" is one of the books that can help you do that.
It is my prayer that God will use this book to change many lives - not just a good read - actually a difficult read (internally) - a life changing read. May the Lord Bless and speak to every man who reads this book.