Captain Clean is Truthful

Captain Clean tells the truth. Come on, brothers and sisters, pull your heads out of the dirt of denial. Do you really think you can spend a lifetime lying and then face Jesus on Judgment Day and suffer no eternal consequences? God is the Father of Truth; if you choose to continue in your lies of commission and omission, then your daddy is the devil, the father of lies. Captain Clean chooses honesty because he or she knows that all our sins will be exposed on the Day of Days.

The context of Luke 12 is all about readiness for Judgment Day, when all hypocrisy will be exposed. You and I will be standing there—tomorrow, or a week from now, or a month, or 36 years; pick your guess—when everything secret will be known. SO WHY HIDE ANYTHING NOW? You think confessing to your spouse now is painful; just try waiting until Judgment Day! At least now you have the possibility of healing and reconciliation (as we at Pureheart see so often), whereas then it will be too late for that, for all eternity. Practicing present-day honesty means having no secrets, which means nothing will need exposing on the Day of Days! I’ve confessed every sexual sin I could think of—especially the most perverted and embarrassing—and I continue to confess my sins on a weekly basis, big or small.

I wear the belt of truth because, as it says in the King James, I have learned to gird up my loins, meaning that open honesty is the divine counterpart to the hidden power (both spiritual and physical) of my most private parts. It’s a classic Holy Spirit paradox: How do you live with something as extremely personal as sexuality? You do it by practicing daily and weekly truthtelling with a trusted band of brothers or sisters. This is precisely how Captain Clean stays clean.

It’s high time you start telling the truth—every week!

Excerpt taken from Pureheart Ministry’s Basic Training! Stage 1: Operation Purity


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Testimony Tuesday: A Saved Life, Marriage, and Relationship with God