Thoughts on Heartholds and Destinies


It’s no coincidence that the final puzzle pieces of my destiny fell into place as I was doing the hard work of both purifying and healing my heart. Indeed, a basic reason why many of you remain clueless as to your calling is that your hearts are still impure and immature. Only a healthy and wholesome heart can see with the eyes of faith. And without faith, you’ll never have the courage to take that leap into the unknown when the time comes. Without purity you can’t mature enough to faithfully pass the Wilderness tests, and therefore your destiny dies stillborn, a Promised Land in promise only. Indeed, failure to live out one’s destiny is an even greater sin than sexual immoralityprecisely because destiny, unlike sin, encompasses the very reason you were put on this planet in the first place. Read that whole paragraph again and ponder the thought.

Pureheart Ministries started as nothing more than a paper for a class, but as I wrote down the substance of my dream (Daniel 7:1), I began to resonate with the possibilities. The need was vast, the problem huge. But the more I thought about helping people get pure, the more I realized I was born to lead Pureheart. Here, 40 years into my life, I’d finally stumbled across my pre-destiny!

As I imagined the future, I began to deal with practical realities, like how I’d make a living working for Pureheart. I wrote down goals and mission statements. I had no connections and no money, but I was faithful with the little I had. God has often opened doors at just the right time and brought me just the right people when it was time to move to the next stage. Don’t get me wrong, there have been plenty of discouraging times, disappointments with doors that never opened, people who turned their backs on me, and a great deal of spiritual warfare. I had to work another job for 4 years while launching Pureheart before I could work full-time at my pre-destiny. And yet, as I write, Pureheart’s future is brighter than ever. I look forward to seeing what God has planned for the next 15 years!

If I can do it, anyone can! It’s time to wake up, brothers and sisters. Time to unleash your heart. Time to start paying attention again to dreams and visions. Time to discover your pre-destiny. Maybe it’s orphans in Africa, maybe it’s starting a mechanic shop that offers free service to single moms, maybe it’s giving away 80% of your company’s profits to missions, or maybe it’s seeing your sick son healed. Why not lead a Pureheart group and mentor a group of 5 men each week? Why not be a foster parent and provide a safe, loving home for disabled kids? What about AIDS and sex trafficking and poverty? Or maybe it’s something as simple as writing workbooks to help men who struggle with sexual sin! Whatever the dream, if it’s from God, it will be much bigger than your brain can handle. Your God-given pre-destiny will stretch you and break you and challenge you, and will often seem impossible—but if you persevere, God will ultimately do something beyond all you could ask or imagine.

It takes a heart full of faith to see the future through the prism of your God-given dream. It takes faith to stick with the process throughout the many years it takes to bring your dream to fruition. And it takes faith to understand that even if we aren’t Winston Churchill, if we lead one person to Christ, then we have indeed saved that person’s entire world for all eternity, as surely as Churchill saved the physical world from evil. Like Eve, the Tree of Freewill stands before you. What destiny will you choose?

Your Brother in the Battle,


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Excerpt taken from Pureheart Ministry’s Basic Training! Stage 3: Spiritual Warfare

Copyright ©2023 Timothy Davis


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