Don’t take our word for it…
Read these Reviews and Endorsements!
Gary H. Lovejoy, Ph.D.
Psychologist and Co-Author
Light on the Fringe: Finding Hope in the
Darkness of Depression
“A healthy sexual life is paramount to the mental health of each spouse, as well as to the general welfare of any married couple. Yet, the number of men I see in my professional practice who struggle with pornography (including pastors and church leaders), is a striking example of what has gone wrong in a society that has made sexually explicit materials so readily available, even to children. Given the frequency of sexual dysfunction (or infrequency and even absence of a sexual relationship altogether) in very many couples, the knowledge about what the Bible has to say about sex or, for that matter, the general knowledge about what comprises a healthy intimate relationship itself, speaks volumes about the need for a sound, biblically-based book that addresses these issues. I believe that this new book by Tim Davis, Basic Training!, does just that. Your eyes will be opened to God’s beautiful design for healthy sexual living.”