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Mission Possible: Purity, Maturity, Destiny

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Your Mission Possible!

Ever watch a Mission Impossible movie, or the TV series that inspired the movies? Best theme song ever! Our hero, Ethan Hunt, kicks off each adventure by watching a brief message, hidden in some cool spy gadget, describing yet another impossible mission—should he choose to accept it. The top secret recording invariably self-destructs in a puff of smoke as Ethan, despite insurmountable obstacles, horrendous odds, and villains galore, steps up yet again to save the world.

To put the mission of my writing into Biblical terms, every Christian has a personal and specific Promised Land he or she must take for God’s Kingdom before they die. In other words, every Christian should be a real-life Ethan Hunt, because you and I were born to save our particular part of the world. Divine headquarters has already cast the vision. We’ve been embedded where the action is the thickest, the need greatest, and evil rampant. All we do now is complete our mission, save the day, and ride off into the sunset of eternal glory.

Genuine Christian salvation means you get saved to help save others! We grow up into Christ so we can overcome temptation and demonic resistance and then fulfill God’s specific plan for our lives. This is our destiny, our Mission Possible. This is why God put you and me on this planet.

Sadly, most Christians never come close to taking their personal Promised Land, because they get taken out by the enemy. Many are taken out before their mission even starts. There are giants in your promised Canaan, Goliaths that are currently wiping the floor with your face. You are supposed to be Mr. or Miss Hunt, and yet you are too busy jacking off, drooling over porn, shopping online for prostitutes—pick your perversion—to care about a world in desperate need. Having hacked the cool spy gadget so you can search for porn online, you haven’t even watched the mission recording! Puff! There goes yet another divine destiny wasting away in the winds of wickedness as yet another Christian self-destructs. Your mission…should you choose to be too addicted, abused, demonized, and dysfunctional to carry it out?

Sounds like what used to be the story of my life!

To make matters even more challenging, before every Christian hero and heroine can fulfill their mission, they must first spend time training in a spiritual desert. Only in the Wilderness of sacrifice and suffering will you, the divine agent, learn critical mission character traits such as self-control. Mr. and Miss Hunt must also pass God’s desert tests—no Christian is allowed into their personal Promised Land until they are judged in the fiery forge where God exposes their wounds and immaturities. Even though God never causes evil, He will use Goliaths and Gethsemanes to prepare us for the ultimate test of success, so that you and I can successfully keep our Promised Land once we take it—and indeed, expand our territory even as we help other Christians conquer their own Canaans.

Your mission from the get-go, Agent Hunt, is to learn that your porn addiction, masturbation habit, affairs, loneliness, divorce, past abuse, present dysfunctions, and/or all your failures—are part of the Wilderness experience you must pass through—and indeed, overcome—before you can take your Promised Land. There’s so much more at stake here than just an addiction to sex or drugs or alcohol. There are people who will burn in hell for all eternity if you don’t get your act together and fulfill your Mission Possible. God does not take back a destiny once given, even if He already knows you and I will screw it up at the cost of the entire world. Just ask Adam!

This is such an extremely important spiritual law that even Jesus Christ Himself had to pass through the Wilderness process before He could take His personal Promised Land. No one, not even the Son of God, gets a pass. There are no shortcuts on the journey to fulfilling your divine destiny.

Here’s the good news. No matter how much you’ve messed up in the past, no matter how deep your current pit, no matter how many years you spent addicted—the truth will set you free. Genuine repentance will inevitably set you back upon the path of your Mission Possible. I should know; I’m living proof, and if I can do it, anyone can. My desert giants included sexual abuse, ritual abuse by Satanist/pedophiles that was so extreme it shattered my personality, PTSD, recurring nightmares, sexual addiction, depression, constant sickness, isolation, poverty, generational curses, demonic oppression and attack, character flaws too many to mention, and failures and disappointments in ministry too numerous to count. Top that?!

So I don’t want to hear any excuses about why your Mission Possible is impossible. Indeed, my books are written with the explicit of intention of walking you step-by-step through the specific process of defeating your desert giants so you can fully take your personal Promised Land. In this week’s blog posts, we will be diving deeper into Pureheart’s goals for you: Purity, Maturity, Destiny.

Your Brother in the Battle,

Ready to start your Mission Possible? Contact Pureheart today for more information

Excerpt taken from Pureheart Ministry’s Basic Training! Stage 1: Operation Purity

Copyright ©2023 Timothy Davis