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Warfare Worldview: The Greatest Generation

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Warfare Worldview: The Greatest Generation

In practically every chapter of Basic Training! Stage 1 you’ll see a Warfare Worldview Section. Most Christians miss the crucial fact that Jesus could not take His personal Promised Land without first defeating the devil in the desert. Indeed, crushing Satan’s head was and is an innate part of Jesus’s destiny—He came to destroy the devil’s works (1 John 3:8). In spiritual warfare, there are no pacifists, no conscientious objectors! Like your King, you are to seek and save the lost even as you destroy evil. There’s no such thing as successful completion of your Christian calling without mastering the art of spiritual warfare and defeating your personal demons. So here, Overcomer, is your first lesson from World War II.

The Greatest Generation refers to those Americans who fought the good fight in WWII and saved the world from the antichrist Hitler, a “man of lawlessness” if there ever was one. Few people realize how close Hitler and his Axis cronies came to global victory. The horrors that would have followed would have indeed been apocalyptic in scope (they were bad enough as it was in Europe and Asia—just ask the Jews and the Chinese!). If Hitler had invaded Russia a few months earlier, if the British didn’t have Winston Churchill and had sued for peace, or if the Germans had discovered the atomic bomb first—well, the outcome is too horrible for words.

At the time, all that stood between the Fuhrer and world domination was the equally evil antichrist Stalin and the United States, with an army that in 1939 ranked 17th in size and combat power, just behind Romania. Yeah, that’s right, Romania! In 1939, the American Army didn’t have enough anti-aircraft guns to defend even one city. The military produced 800 planes in 1939 and a grand total of—count them—6 medium tanks. American factory output was at less than half capacity, and unemployment was above 20 percent. A strong majority of Americans were isolationist, wanting nothing to do with yet another European war. A Gallup poll in 1940 discovered that most Americans thought their young people “flabby, pacifistic, yellow, cynical, discouraged, and leftist.”

To make matters worse, Americans were still pulling themselves out of the Great Depression. Massive unemployment, widespread poverty, malnutrition (and in some cases outright starvation), hopelessness, suicides, fratricidal politicians, rampant racism—does this sound like the breeding ground of America’s Greatest Generation?

The answer is a resounding Yes! It is precisely in the Wilderness of the Great Depression that our Great Generation suffered through the agonies and testing that forged them into the heroes who rose to the occasion when the entire world needed them most. In the physical realm this generation was a prophetic harbinger of the Greatest Spiritual Generation that is now being forged in the fires of the massive demonic attack currently raging over the future of the Church. It is your potential destiny to be part of this hallowed generation who fight the good end-times fight…

Consider what the Greatest Generation did in the physical. And note, the miracles that follow were carried out not just by soldiers, but also by the old men and the women who stayed behind to fight the war on the industrial front. The Greatest Generation didn’t just win the war and destroy evil; they armed and equipped the rest of the world to fight alongside them.

America’s transition from its 1939 prewar state to becoming the “Arsenal of Democracy” in 6 short years is without doubt unparalleled in the history of the world. This transition makes reaching the moon look boring by comparison. I don’t have enough space to remotely do this statement justice, but allow me to cite some random examples to back my assertion. Remember the following all occurred within 6 years in a country with a joke for an army, a decent but largely out-of-date navy, and no separate air force at the time—and this in country ruled not by dictatorship but by democracy.

In 1939, America produced a grand total of 800 planes and 6 medium tanks, but in 6 short years it had virtually given away to the Allies 37,000 tanks, 800,000 trucks, nearly 2 million rifles, and 43,000 planes. 800 planes in all of 1939, but by the end of 1943 America was producing 8,000 planes a month. Before the war, the US Navy had essentially 7 aircraft carriers—the height of naval technology at the time; 6 years later the Navy operated over a 100 aircraft carriers. In 5 years, the US Navy oversaw construction of 75,000 vessels (66,000 were landing craft for amphibious operations). The Air Force expanded from 150,000 men to 2. 4 million, and from 4,000 planes to a total of 80,000 planes. The Army grew from 160,000 to over 8,000,000 by 1944. And all of this to fight a war on not 1, not 2, but 3 different continents (Europe, Asia, and Africa), and to ultimately save the whole world. Greatest Generation indeed!

Mr. and Miss Hunt, you have been saved to save others. Get pure and mature, and then fulfill your destiny even as you walk in increasing intimacy with God and others. Become part of God’s Epic End-Time Mighty Men and Women, part of the Greatest Spiritual Generation ever born for such a time as this, because the Sovereign God always saves the best for last. And therefore, since we are now in the last, it’s time you and I become the best!

Your destiny, should you choose to accept it…

Your Brother in the Battle,


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Excerpt taken from Pureheart Ministry’s Basic Training! Stage 1: Operation Purity

Copyright ©2023 Timothy Davis