Donate to Pureheart Ministries
3 Options for donating to Pureheart Ministries
One-time and Recurring Donations via your Paypal Account
Pureheart Ministries
Make checks payable to:
12042 SE Sunnyside Rd. #593
Clackamas, Oregon, 97015
We are an official 501(c)3 non-profit recognized by the IRS so your donations are tax deductible.
Uncle Pureheart Needs You!
If you have been blessed by Pureheart counselors and books then you already owe a debt of gratitude to the core of loyal donors who provide the extra cash needed to keep Pureheart running. Basic Training! (5 vols.), for example, probably cost $30,000 to create if you include the weekly 10-20 hours I spent writing and creating it over the last 15 years, not to mention the costs for layout, design, editing, and publishing. You will probably never meet brothers Doug D. or Brain G. or sister Heidi B. or my BOB bros in this life, but they are some of people who paid that $30,000 cost so you could hold this book in your hands. I am asking you directly, if you have been blessed by Pureheart, to now return the favor. If your marriage has been saved, your walk with God transformed, your life set free from the slavery of sin, and if you now walk in ever-growing spiritual maturity, then I think it’s time to put your money where your mouth is and pass these amazing blessings on to others. After all, to whom much is given, much is expected!
Support Pureheart Projects
As you already know, sexual addiction is now an end times epidemic that spans the globe. The sheer damage this sin inflicts upon the body of believers worldwide is beyond imagining. Across nations families and marriages are breaking apart, ministries are lost forever, and brothers and sisters live hopeless lives as perverted captives of the devil. And yet, amid the ruins of this catastrophe there is the hope that Pureheart sees unfold every day because to those who are forgiven much, the same believers can then love much! At Pureheart, we use the immediate need of sexual addiction as a means, not just to set believers free from porn and affairs and adultery, but to see them thoroughly transformed into the men and women of God they have always longed to be. To accomplish this task you can support Pureheart in two specific areas:
Pureheart’s Core Curriculum
Here are early examples of the book covers for Pureheart’s core curriculum. This is a three-stage process by which we take someone trapped in sexual sin and teach them consistent purity (Basic Training!). Then we help them identify and deal with their wounds and dysfunction and turn those weaknesses into strengths (Special Ops!). We then help them discover the God-given calling upon their life and assist them in the process of turning their dreams into productive reality (Battle Stations!). Some of these brothers and sisters then join Pureheart at some level and become counselors, group leaders, mentors, donors, and so on, spreading the Pureheart Process around the globe (Leader’s Guide!).
Basic Training! is now available via our website but I will be redoing the books and improving both writing and design in 2023. Special Ops! will be available early 2024. Battle Stations! and the Leader’s Guide will be available, Lord willing, in 2025-2027. As you might imagine all this production requires a great deal of my time, and thus, I am asking you personally and on behalf of Pureheart and all those who desperately need our help, to become a monthly or annual donor who gives specifically to produce this curriculum.
2. Pureheart’s Video Counseling
In the last year alone, Pureheart has counseled and contributed resources to brothers and sisters in 35 states and 12 countries (England, Portugal, Korea, China, Tanzania, Peru, Germany, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Kenya, Australia, and New Guinea). We have done absolutely nothing to market Pureheart other than some Google ads that rarely work, and yet we already reach around the world. I am honestly a little nervous about what will happen when we finally start making this ministry known. Obviously, the need for Pureheart’s ministry is both massive and worldwide.
Many of these dear brothers and sisters cannot afford to pay US prices for counseling and resources so my solution is to produce a video series for each book in the Pureheart curriculum. In other words, videotaped sessions of Pureheart counseling and spiritual mentoring with Pureheart counselors, myself included. This way, anyone anywhere with an internet connection can download, night or day, free or for a small donation, video sessions that will walk them through the Pureheart process step-by-step.
Since there are literally millions upon millions of addicted believers in need, this will be a cost-effective method of reproducing this ministry while minimizing the labor needed to help this many people. As you might know, filming anything is quite costly so I will need some major donors to step up to plate. I am also looking for brothers and sisters willing to donate specific skills and equipment in the video filming and editing field. You can reach me at tim@pureheartministries.net