Captain Clean is Confident

Captain Clean is confident. Wow, I’m not just hopeful—I’m extremely confident. I’ve personally led over 300 men into consistent purity. I’m talking an average of a year’s worth of weekly sessions with each brother, so this ain’t some quick or easy fix. Visit and read through the testimonial section. And that isn’t even 10 percent of the people my counselors and I have successfully counseled. I’ve counseled men who had sex hundreds of times with prostitutes, brothers who masturbated 30,000 times, who cheated on their wives, who were abused as children, or who would binge-watch porn literally all night until they threw up.

Old, young, rich, poor, married, single, white, black, Latino, Asian, Baptist, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Quaker, Catholic, American, Canadian, African, English, Australian, and Chinese. I was even joking the other day that we needed to counsel someone from Rhode Island to have counseled someone in all 50 American states, and then of course, a week later, a brother calls me—from Rhode Island! The point is, the Pureheart Process is indeed battle-tested (as it says on the cover) and proven, which is precisely why you need to read this book and carefully apply the truths contained herein. And then buy more copies and give them to everyone you know.

Why should you pay the price to become Captain Clean? Living in the end times demands it!

Contact Pureheart to get started today!

Excerpt taken from Pureheart Ministry’s Basic Training! Stage 1: Operation Purity


Testimony Tuesday: A Husband and Wife Testimony


Testimony Tuesday: A Missionary’s Story