Warfare Worldview: Chamberlain or Churchill

We are entering the last days when, as Scripture says, the love of many Christians will grow cold. Your love for God will indeed grow cold if you remain trapped in sexual sin deceived by your own denial. I plead with you yet again: Pay the price, learn from your mistakes, apply the truths herein, and break free of denial. You cannot remain in denial and achieve your destiny as a chosen member of God’s Greatest Generation. Denial or Destiny? You can’t have both…

“I believe it is peace for our time.” Waving the peace declaration before a rapturous crowd, Britain’s Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain uttered these infamous words on the eve of WWII. It’s doubtful that any public figure in all of history has ever been more wrong than Neville Chamberlain. Talk about denial! The result was 55 million dead, millions of refugees, trillions in damages, entire countries wiped off the map, stories of trauma and horrors beyond count, and these newfangled things called nuclear bombs! Does any of this remotely sound like peace to you?

Chamberlain had just signed a deal with the Hitlerian devil himself, the culmination of Britain’s policy of appeasing the dictator to avoid war at any cost. Indeed, despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary, the entire world—America included—buried itself in the delusion of denial that they could negotiate with evil. The brutal reality is that the diplomacy of denial did nothing whatsoever to prevent war. Hitler grew ever stronger, and his dreams of world domination raced that much closer to fulfillment.

The contrast between Chamberlain and Churchill could not be more stark. Churchill had somehow known since childhood that his destiny would be to help save England (and thus the world). He was truly born for the moment, and his larger-than-life experiences—his many military adventures, political grapplings, and spectacular failures—had prepared him as no other for the world’s darkest hour. Churchill was the one voice in the wilderness of denial who kept ranting about Hitler’s treacheries and the need to prepare for the war no one wanted to fight.

I highly recommend you watch the movie The Darkest Hour, so you can truly appreciate the stone-cold courage of Winston Churchill. He was brought in at the last hour, the man nobody wanted, with all the odds stacked against him, and yet he did not give into fear or despair or failure. In true bulldog fashion, he kept calm and carried on until the day was saved.

Denial will destroy your personal world as surely as it nearly destroyed the entire world during WWII. Are you an appeaser, living in a land of make-believe, keeping a pretend peace by buying off the devil with bits of your soul? Or will you follow in Churchill’s footsteps and fight for freedom with everything you have? You don’t reason with evil; like Jesus on the Cross, you crush its ugly, stinking head. Likewise, cut the head off your own capacity for self-deception and destroy denial!

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Your Brother in the Battle,


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Excerpt taken from Pureheart Ministry’s Basic Training! Stage 1: Operation Purity

Copyright ©2023 Timothy Davis


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Antidotes to Denial Part 2