Why the World War II Theme?

Throughout  our material you will find references to war, specifically the Second World War. I use war as a backdrop for two reasons.

First of all, because it is Biblical. Scripture commands us to put on the armor of God; only soldiers wear body armor. Scripture clearly teaches that we wrestle “...not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Eph. 6:12). Jesus came to earth specifically “...to destroy the devil’s work,” precisely because the Son of God cannot fully reign until “...He has put all His enemies under His feet” (1 John 3:8, 1 Cor. 15:25). Our enemy is a thieving, lying murderer; a roaring lion who devours those trapped in sin (1 Peter 5:8). There are only two options in this war: live as a devoured captive of the enemy or take up the armor of God and help win the war. We are soldiers fighting a no-holds-barred war against a ferocious enemy with nothing less than eternity at stake. Our birthright as Christians is a place on the front lines! It is high time we think and act accordingly!

Secondly, I use WWII as a backdrop because I want you to get the Big Picture. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. You and I, in our struggle for purity, are a microcosm of the struggle for the soul of an entire country. Winning this war matters both on an individual level and a national level because each one of us reflects our society as a whole. Make no mistake about it, brother, the future of this country is at stake. The only hope for our country is another Great Awakening, a national revival that transforms the United States from the inside out, but how can God bring revival to a church filled with sexual hypocrites? Judgment always begins first with the house of God. If we continue to lose the war against sexual sin, if we do not humble ourselves and truly change our ways, revival will never come to our once great land. There will be nothing left to revive...

Normally, when faced with a task far beyond our scope and ability , we shrug our shoulders at the enormity of it all and go back to simple survival. In this case, however, we can do something, we must do something! If every man who reads this book takes it to heart, repents, and gets consistently pure, we can, together, start a revolution that will impact all of America. Remember Biblical Economics: great awakenings, spiritual upheavals, and astounding victories always come about because a relatively few men got their act together and obeyed God. Usually all it takes is a few Gideons, Elijahs, Peters, and Pauls to turn the world upside down. Will you rise to the occasion and take up arms against your oppressor? Will you apply the truths herein? Will you join with a Band of Brothers in honesty, confession, accountability, and prayer? Will you pay whatever price necessary to get and stay clean? Think of this book as a ticket to your own personal WWII. Your faith, your spiritual maturity, your spouse and your marriage, your children, your family, your church, and your country all hang in the balance of your struggle to obey Scripture and become a man of consistent purity. Consider this book a call to arms, an open invitation to fight your own personal D-Day with nothing less than eternity at stake.


Testimony Tuesday: Another Married Man’s Testimony


Testimony Tuesday: A Married Man’s Testimony