Pureheart Blog

Your Preflight Checklist

Your Preflight Checklist

“Are you doing your pre-flight checklist? You and I will be taking off someday soon. We must practice consistent accountability in this life if we want to give a good account in the next. In short, only by giving a good account Now can you give a good account Then. Think of your Pureheart Checklist as your daily/weekly dress rehearsal for your moment before the Great White Throne… “

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Accountability And Goal Setting

Accountability And Goal Setting

“No Body/body can reap a harvest without the discipline of self-control. DISCIPLINE is the Achilles heel of almost every Christian I know (remember what I said about divinely placed weaknesses?). Our lives are utterly shaped by the presence and/or absence of discipline. . . Discipline is nothing more than the ability to consistently remove bad habits and practice healthy habits via the art of setting and achieving goals. “

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Accountability & The Body Of Christ

Accountability & The Body Of Christ

“How important is accountability in the context of Christian community? When Jesus came to earth, all He did on an institutional level was to start and run a small group. Think about that. This is Jesus we are talking about!. . . Implicit in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) is the fact that the Messiah’s methods are just as fundamental and binding as His teaching (Make disciples just like I made them, to paraphrase Jesus’s words). I’m merely skimming the surface; go back and see how the disciples time and time again come to Jesus for commendation, rebuke, further instruction, commissioning, impartation, and so on. Time in community and then back on the road, a minimum of two at a time (a small group!), to implement what they are learning.“

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Small Group Accountability

Small Group Accountability

“How important is accountability in the context of Christian community? When Jesus came to earth, all He did on an institutional level was to start and run a small group. Think about that. This is Jesus we are talking about!. . . Implicit in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) is the fact that the Messiah’s methods are just as fundamental and binding as His teaching (Make disciples just like I made them, to paraphrase Jesus’s words). I’m merely skimming the surface; go back and see how the disciples time and time again come to Jesus for commendation, rebuke, further instruction, commissioning, impartation, and so on. Time in community and then back on the road, a minimum of two at a time (a small group!), to implement what they are learning.“

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Keys To Life-Changing Accountability

Keys To Life-Changing Accountability

“There’s a right way and a wrong way to do accountability. Most Christians I’ve met never practice accountability at all, and if they do, it’s what I call Wimp Accountability. It’s not specific, nor is it measurable. There’s no cost for failure, and no focus on the positive. As someone who has been practicing accountability for over 3 decades now, here’s how you do it right. “

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Activate Accountability

Activate Accountability

“Accountability is a spiritual discipline just as important as prayer or fasting—but far more neglected. Pay attention, Agent Hunt: Completion of your Mission Possible demands the consistent practice of honest transparency and real accountability!

I define accountability as the practice of meeting daily/weekly with trusted brothers or sisters to give a detailed account of your spiritual walk—the good and the bad—for that day or week. There’s no such thing as a disciple without the discipline of iron sharpening iron in the community of a band of brothers/sisters working together to grow in Christ. Accountability is perhaps the simplest of all spiritual disciplines to learn and practice, and yet how often have you received any practical teaching on living the accountable life? Has your pastor ever preached or modeled accountability for you?“

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