Pureheart Blog
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- Access 2
- Accountability 6
- Basic Training! 46
- Biblical 1
- Canada 1
- Denial 4
- Denmark 1
- Destiny 1
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- Finland 1
- Forgiveness 1
- India 1
- Lock down devices 1
- Maturity 1
- Operation Purity 20
- Purity 1
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- Special Ops! 1
- Spiritual Warfare 17
- Stage 1 20
- Stage 2 3
- Stage 3 15
- Unforgiveness 1
- Zoom 1
- counseling 3
- couples 2
- divorced 1
- endoresment 1
- filters 2
- group counseling 1
- husband 22
- in ministry 5
- international 7
- key loggers 1
- keyloggers 1
- lock down computer 1
- lock down phone 1
- marriage saved 1
- married 26
- missionary 3
- missionary kid 1
- online 1
- pastor 2
- review 7
- single 6
- unmarried 1
- wife 7
- wives 1

Missionary Kid, Trapped In Sin, Finds Freedom and Now Fights To Stay Pure
“I was sick of the cycle of shame and guilt that I was going through. I was starting to serve as a youth leader at a local church, and I felt like a hypocrite since my thought life was such a mess. I had been in three different peer-led accountability groups as a teen, and all of them had disbanded when we kept failing and eventually hiding our sexual sins. Hearing Tim and Jay speak jolted me awake, and gave me hope that I could really be transformed on the inside.
Pureheart has made standing up against temptation and oppression a reality for me. Instead of just shoving information down my throat and saying “You should do this,” Pureheart has walked me through step by step, encouraging me to confess routinely to Christian brothers, speak truth into each other’s lives, pray for each other, and support one another throughout the week. My identity in Christ has been ingrained into me. I now know the difference between a spiritual attack and a fleshly desire, and how I can practically deal with both. .”

New To Pureheart, Hope Is Renewed
“I have only been counseling for 5 months, but already I have made some real progress. . .I found out about Pureheart through the Internet. I now have hope that I can be pure again, my relationship with God is growing again, and I am renewing friendships with people I haven’t talked to in years. . .My thought life is getting cleaned up as well, and I have real hope that I learn to walk in constant purity for the rest of my life.”

Young Single, Engaged Brother Carries Freedom and Purity Into His Future Marriage
“Best of all, I am now engaged to be married. I have been completely honest with my fiancé about my past—she also helps keep me accountable. We have stayed pure in our relationship and have been careful not to cross the line. Thanks to Pureheart, I can give my future wife the gift of a pure, self-controlled, and faithful husband! I highly recommend Pureheart! ”

With Unrestricted Access to the Internet As A Pre-Teen, This Brother Now Walks in Freedom
“As a single man I now have 14 months of consistent purity. . . I’m so grateful for the work God has done in my life. I’m a new man. I actually pursue God, not run and hide from him. I read my Bible and pray almost daily. I set goals and believe in myself. My communication has improved and I’m beginning to build healthy Christ-like relationships with women because there isn’t a barrier of shame. ”

Can a Deeply Addicted, Single Man Break Free and Stay Free? …aka Lazarus Comes Back from the Dead and Lives Pure!
“I am a totally “new” person. In 2019, I was dead inside - no confidence, didn’t know who I was, no prayer life, wasn’t attending church regularly, and was comfortable telling lies. Now, my life is adventurous, holy, full of life and I can’t wait for each day to begin to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. None of this would have been possible without Pureheart Ministries. I owe my life and my future to Pureheart for this ministry - which is allowing me and other disciples of Christ to become true Leaders in this world that are in desperate need for redeemed and courageous Men. “

Can a Young, Single Man Live Pure in America Today?
“Pureheart has been a blessing from the Lord. Not only have I’ve been given the keys to freedom from pornography, but I’ve been discipled and mentored as well. The goal of the group is not just to get people free from sexual sin. If that’s all Tim does with us, then most likely I would finish the program being a pure, but immature and average Christian. Thank God that is not Tim’s only goal! He also wants us to be mature Christians who are running headfirst into God’s destiny for us. I was not going to get this type of investment and discipleship anywhere else.”