Pureheart Blog
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Divorce Averted, a Once Angry Man Finds Peace, Joy, and Freedom and Wedding Vows Renewed
“The resulting changes have been major and, in my opinion, almost miraculous. With the help of prayer and continued Pureheart counseling, I have maintained 9 months of sexual “sobriety,” my wife has moved back home, and I have a new-found peace, joy and freedom that I have always yearned for. My relationship with her is now based on mutual honesty, respect and love, and we are happier than we have been in many years. In fact, we recently had a small, intimate vow-renewal ceremony at our church celebrating 33 years of marriage, followed by a second honeymoon!”

Introduced To Porn At An Early Age, This Brother Now Walks In Freedom and Maturity
“Tim gave me usable tools from day one and every day after. In the first few months, I was challenged like never before to be disciplined in my personal life. I learned that accountability is not only for when you fail but also to help you succeed…I learned fast that we had to take sin seriously because God did, but that if we looked for and asked for God’s help he would be there. I learned how my perspective on God, sex, family, and life was twisted by the devil and my addiction; leaving me literally unable to mature mentally, spiritually, or emotionally. The most powerful part of the journey so far has been rediscovering my emotions and giving them a voice. It has been such a relief to no longer suffer under the lie that men don't feel and never cry. I can talk about how I feel and recognize when to hold on taking action because my emotions are flaring.”

A Young Marriage in Separation Now Reconciled!
“About three months ago, my wife caught me in the act of watching porn. In that moment she came face to face with my problem and decided that she could not continue to watch me struggle. Unknowingly, my sin had slowly been draining the love and the life from her. But I remained in denial until she left our house—bags packed, dog in-tow—two weeks later. It was in that moment of intense pain that I had a choice to make. God had brought me to the end of myself. I had exhausted my manipulation, and my schemes to keep my problem hidden had failed. I had to decide to either plead to God for His mercy and to follow Him, or to turn fully to my sin, never to regain my confidence as a man and possibly never to regain my marriage.”

Surprised by Group Counseling Success, a Brother Finds Freedom Through Pureheart and His Band Of Brothers
“As I am wrapping up a year of walking through Basic Training with Tim Davis and 5 Band of Brothers; I am just overwhelmed by the huge change that has happened in my life. I called Pureheart Ministries out of pure desperation to save me, my marriage and my family. We were all so hurt by the cancer I had brought into our family. I was so tired of dealing with my lust, hurting my wife and not finding freedom. My wife was so hurt and tired of being plagued by my sin. My kids were tired of an emotionally distant dad. Something had to change.”

A Wife Receives Stability, Wisdom and Encouragement Through Counseling at Pureheart Ministries
"In the midst of an incredibly difficult and confusing time, navigating the deep waters of my husband's addiction to pornography, I've found much needed stability, wisdom and encouragement through counseling at Pureheart Ministries.”

Growing Up In a Christian Home, This Brother Struggled But Is Now Walking In Growth and Freedom
“I grew up in a Christian home. God has always been an important part of my life. I was baptized at age 11. But I started down a path of pornography addiction at 13. . . I spent 20 years addicted to internet pornography. It eventually took a toll on my ability to function as a healthy person. It took a toll on my marriage. It took a toll on my ability to be productive. But its greatest toll was on my spiritual relationship with God and I carried an overwhelming burden of guilt in secret.”

A Wife Receives Counseling Through Pureheart
“Jena (Pureheart Counselor) helped me to process my anger and pain. Through talking with Jena, I learned to look to God for my strength, healing and the ability to forgive. My marriage survived the darkest time we had ever been through and I am stronger now because of it. ”

A Wife’s Testimony
“Our marriage is significantly better. We have always had fun together, but we are having more fun than ever. He has become my best friend. We continue to work on emotional intimacy After all, 28 years of being emotionally disconnected does not turn around overnight, but we are closer than we’ve ever been. There are no more secrets! I know that he is open and honest with me about everything. He checks in with me weekly (as well as with Tim) and he has been pure for a year now!”

A Husband and Wife Share Their Perspectives of Their Journey
“Thanks to Pureheart Ministries, my husband is a changed man. Because of the tools and counseling that he has been provided, he has a new identity in Christ and a revised perspective on his role in our marriage. The biggest benefit for me as his wife has been the restoration of trust in our relationship. Having complete trust in my husband is a newfound freedom for me!”

A Husband And Wife Share Their Journey To Restoration
“Overall, I am thrilled with the changes I have seen in my husband, and I praise God every day for the blessing of Pureheart Ministry in our lives. Fourteen years of emotional hurts do not go away overnight, but I will say that our marriage is well on the road to being the best and most stable it has ever been! With the tools and foundation my husband has acquired from Pureheart, and with continued help from the Lord, we are finally living the life God always desired for us. The Lord is faithful, indeed!”

A Pastor’s Story - One Year Free
“I appreciate Tim’s bluntness. The Pureheart workbook follows the theme of WWII and at times, I really did feel like a recruit in Basic Training taking orders from a drill sergeant! I took it, however, because I know he really has my best in mind, and because we truly ARE in a war. Falling into the enemy’s trap has HUGE disastrous consequences for myself, my wife, my kids, my church, community and the Kingdom of God. I truly believe that. I was losing my relationship with the Lord. My wife was becoming hurt and distant. I was not connecting well with my children. My ministry was suffering. All of those things could have been thrown away in a moment of stupidity by acting out at church and having someone else find out. On the other hand, VICTORY also has huge consequences of blessing, life, freedom and helping others to get free.”

Growing Up As A Missionary Kid
“Tim helped me put the pieces together and firmly establish my commitment to sexual purity. Weekly check-ins with men from my church has been necessary and satisfying, because my vulnerability with them has helped them become vulnerable and begin pursuing sexual purity as well. . .Sexual purity is not for sissies. In our sex saturated society, pursuing sexual purity makes you look odd. But I would live no other way. God be glorified.”

A Missionary’s Story
“Now with a year of consistent purity, I can say there is no better way to live. There is no more burden of guilt and shame; the fear of secrets being revealed; the stress of watching my back and fighting the Holy Spirit’s conviction, daily trying to justify myself. Those were a lot of heavy burdens, that now having been removed, I don't know how I ever lived before. There is so much more to life beyond the cage of lust and sexual immorality. So much more to marriage. So much more to God.”

Prodigal Pastor Leaves the Pigpen and Lives Pure
“How did I ever get to this place,” was the thought rolling through my mind. I was sitting on the edge of the tub in the bathroom of my motel room contemplating taking my own life…
At that moment the emptiness of where my decisions had led me completely overshadowed any light that I could see. I cried out repeatedly through the tears, “Lord, take my life, or take this sin!” What I was really hungering for in that moment was freedom from the sexual sin that ate at me from the inside out over decades of indulgence. I didn’t know it at the time, but redemption was close at hand even though I couldn’t see it in that moment.”

National Ministry Leader Finally Repents and Permanently Changes His Ways
“It was late at night while I was on a business trip. I felt the temptation that often followed after an exhausting weekend where I spent myself on a seminar or another presentation. I reached over and picked up my smart phone, also known as the devil’s vice. I started scrolling through video’s and images online which led me down a trail all too familiar…”

Can a Brother Overcome Major Disability, Wounds, Addictions, and Divorces and Finally Get It Right?
"I always approached things from a detached, intellectual perspective, taking what I found useful and discarding the rest. So, as a “believer” who accepted Christ into his heart and was baptized, I played this dangerous game and I ended up spiritually dead. My Christian marriage of 17 years was dead, and my soul was separated from God. . .But God directed my path to Pureheart Ministries

He Almost Lost it All, a Former Slave Now Sets Slaves Free
“One year ago my marriage was in danger of ending. Today as I write this, I celebrate my 33rd wedding anniversary with my wife, best-friend and partner. I have learned of God’s Love, Grace and Forgiveness through her as she has forgiven me, shown me grace and loves me, and we are closer today then we have ever been. I am truly blessed to have her. I am grateful for the ministry of Pureheart. It has saved my life, my marriage and restored my relationship with God. I Am a Child of God!”

If This Brother Can Break Free, Anyone Can!
I am now experiencing marriage on a level I didn’t know was possible. We have been married for over 28 years, but I feel like we are back to the honeymoon stage! Thanks Tim and Pureheart!!

Testimony Tuesday: A Husband and Wife Testimony
I am now experiencing marriage on a level I didn’t know was possible. We have been married for over 28 years, but I feel like we are back to the honeymoon stage! Thanks Tim and Pureheart!!

Testimony Tuesday: A Missionary’s Story
Now with a year of consistent purity, I can say there is no better way to live. There is no more burden of guilt and shame; the fear of secrets being revealed; the stress of watching my back and fighting the Holy Spirit’s conviction, daily trying to justify myself. Those were a lot of heavy burdens, that now having been removed, I don't know how I ever lived before. There is so much more to life beyond the cage of lust and sexual immorality. So much more to marriage. So much more to God.